Friday, May 11, 2007

End of Blog, Fim do Blog

Since I am getting little comments on the blog… I don’t think this website is worth continuing…. I know I have many visitors, but seems no one is thankful of my hard work of providing you guys with hot pictures, since I don’t have comments of thank you, I decided to end the blog.

Hugs to all!

Optei por acabar o blog porque acho que as pessoas não dão o duvido valor de comentar as belas fotos e o meu esforço. Eu sei que tenho varias visitas, e por isso e que estou decepcionado por pouca gente comentar, nem agradecimentos tenho.

Abraços a todos


Anonymous said...

Pessoalmente não entendo porque fiz alguns comentários. Que tipo de comentários esperava ler?...P

Anonymous said...

eu costumo visitar o teu blog e já comentei algumas vezez. oo assunto é do meu interesse tb.
tenho pena que acabe assim, mas entendo-te perfeitamente.


Anonymous said...

no t vayas 04me tu blog es muy bueno.continua hacia delante ,animo.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised to read your farewell comment in which you announced that you were going to stop the blog. Why? Because you didn't have enough thank-you e-mail.
Well, thank you now!
How many thank-you(s) you need to make you change your mind and re-start the blog? I am just curious.

MIGUEL said...

I would just like to know that people appreciate the hard work, and by commenting on the photos, people would show some appreciation, just saying if they like it or not… I will only restart the blog posting if someone would really highly motivate me too.

Hugs to all

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you had to shut this blog. Viewers have taken it for granted and were oblivious to the fact the someone is putting much effort into keeping this blog going. I am sure people now realize this. I feel like I want to ask you to continue the blog, but I know how you feel so I will understand if the blog shuts down forever.

chillin said...

thank you for your hard work.
I hope will not stop this nice work for poeple who interested.
Would you put more videos,please.